Shaping the “Let‘s Do It”
for a next game changer.

Cacco EP=Cacco Evolutionary Purpose。
Since our founding, our driving force behind the continued development of all our services is the Cacco Evolutionary Purpose (EP). In today's rapidly changing environment with the spread of the Internet and smartphones, companies will decline if they remain in the status quo. We want to break out of this Japanese economy, which has been in a period of low growth since the 2000s. With this strong desire, we support innovations by people and companies that will be the game changers of the future.


Advancing society
By leveraging big data and algorithms

In the SaaS algorithm area, we have the technological capability to break away from conventional thinking, break out of the status quo, and support social innovation. With our high level of expertise, we will pioneer systems by providing big data turned into algorithms that anyone can use, pursuing efficiency and problem solving. We will advance with people and companies toward a world full of advanced game changers.

Pursuing mechanisms to use big data
and algorithms more simply and effectively

In our SaaS algorithm business, we are responsible for fraud detection in e-commerce and finance, payment consulting, business optimization through data science, and the discovery of indicators for problem solving. Based on the results obtained from the analysis, we discover indicators for the future and provide a simple and effective system that can be used.

All Service

Our name Cacco came from the brackets symbol.

The symbol brackets are paired with the first and the last and take various forms depending on the situation and language. We started Cacco with the desire to be involved from the beginning to the end while constantly changing ourselves in response to the challenges of the world, and to move forward together with the power of data science.

”Hands" to protect society.
"Hands" of people to develop.
And "Hands" to connect with people and companies.

Cacco's typogflaphy is a design inspired by "hands". In the age of the Internet, "hands" are the ones who are at the forefront of the industry, protecting and developing safe and secure lifestyles for people to lead convenient and safe lives. We express our desire to develop a new future step by step with a pioneering spirit using our expertise in SaaS-type algorithms. The corporate color is "Soft Frontier Blue," which expresses "intelligence," "reliability," and "sincerity" as well as "pioneering" and "progressive. The design of the logo expresses the development of a safer system and the development of the data science industry itself for the better development of society.

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We want to be there for people and companies
that take on challenges and contribute to economic development.

The company was founded in 2011. Along with the rapid growth of the Internet, Cacco has continued to grow while accompanying many companies.During the Heisei to Reiwa period, Japan's GDP was not growing as fast as that of other countries.I operate my business every day with the aspiration of contributing to the growth of Japan, not stagnation, for the sake of the young people who will live in the future.Our lives have become richer in an age when various things can be done easily with an Internet connection, making it more convenient, lowering various costs, and reducing the time required for tasks.On the other hand, it is also true that we live in an era of new threats that we never thought possible by people with malicious intent. In corporate activities, a variety of data is accumulated, and attention is focused on the area of data science in order to obtain useful information from it. However, it is not easy to derive meaningful results from simply having data.If nothing can be derived from large amounts of data, it will only be a cost rather than an asset.Our society is supposed to be a highly convenient one, but due to some inhibiting factors, our society sometimes comes to a standstill. Cacco EP aims to solve this problem from the field of data science and to encourage the world to move closer to the ideal.

CaccoEP(Evolutionary Purpose)
"Shaping the “Let‘s Do It” for a next game changer."
We hope to contribute to the development of the Japanese economy and the world together with people and companies that are taking on the challenge of making the world a better place.We are also a game changer and providing new value and services.We will continue to develop and provide algorithms and software based on our data science technology and know-how, and develop a "SaaS-type algorithm provision business" to help companies solve problems and take on challenges.

Hiroyuki Iwai
Running side by side