1. We and our subsidiaries shall block all transactions and other relationships with antisocial forces that threaten social order and sound business activities, and shall establish a system to take a firm stand against any unreasonable demands from antisocial forces as a whole organization.

2. We and our subsidiaries shall establish and comply with the following basic policy against antisocial forces.

(1) We shall not engage in transactions or have any other relationship with antisocial forces.
(2) The entire organization will respond to unjustified demands by antisocial forces, while striving to ensure the safety of officers and employees who respond to such demands.
(3) In preparation for unjustified demands by antisocial forces, we will cooperate with outside professional organizations, such as lawyers, etc., on a routine basis.
(4) We will not accept any unreasonable demands from antisocial forces and will take resolute legal action.
(5) We will not engage in backroom deals with antisocial forces or provide funds to antisocial forces in order to cover up a matter under any circumstances.